How to Fish For and Catch Lake Trout in Texas

To catch cold water lake trout, an angler needs to get out on the lake early in the morning with a boat, a trolling motor, and proper bait and tackle.

Lake trout belong to the Char fish family and can vary in size from the five to ten pounds. One of the largest lake trout, weighing a record-breaking 63 pounds, was caught in a northern, Canadian lake. The lake trout is gray, green, or dark green in color with small white spots on the sides extending to the fins and cheeks.

Lake Trout Fishing

Lake trout require icy cold waters to survive. They can usually be found in deep, dark, cold water. Their excellent vision combined with the use of scent enables them to catch their prey.

The exception to deep water feeding is In early spring when lake trout can be found feeding in cold, shallow water just as the ice has melted. They also feed in the shallow waters of northern lakes where the water is icy, cold all year long.

To catch deep, water lake trout a fisherman will need a boat with a trolling motor. Tackle should include trout fishing lures, spoons, or dead bait are best. The bait should hover near the fish without scraping the bottom.

According to the website for the Vermillion Bay Lodge located on Eagle Lake in Ontario Canada, a trolling rod with a light, but strong Monel line is best to catch lake trout. The most popular trout fishing lures are spoons. Trout spoon lures come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes including round, oval, or pear-shapes.

Trout Fishing Lures

The best trolling spoons to catch lake trout are lightweight and thin to provide a darting baitfish action in the water. A three-quarter or one to one and a half-inch size spoon produces the best results.

Keep the boat motor at a slow speed to allow the fishing lure to wobble side to side and attract the attention of the deep-water trout.

Trout Fishing Lines

Lake trout can be down as far as 300 feet. In order to get the trout fishing line to sink to the bottom use a three-way swivel line. Using a six-pound test with a dark green line attach a one or two-ounce sinker and connect this to a three-foot horizontal line with the lure on the end.

A trout fishing line should be light enough to travel through the water without causing a disturbance. Make sure to troll slowly through the schools of fish in order to attract their attention with causing them to disburse.

Catching deep, water lake trout is a real sportsman’s challenge. The lake trout is a fighting fish with great staying power. It takes the bait with a hard jolt and runs with it. Start reeling in as soon as the fish strikes.

After landing the first fish, keep fishing in the same area because lake trout travel in schools, and there are more down there. Lake trout fishing can be a challenge, but the results are well worth the time and effort.

For those who don’t want the bother and expense of buying a boat, motor, and fishing tackle, there are many fishing resorts with experienced guides who will ensure every guest lands “the big one.”

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