Top Pike Fishing Texas

Are you up for the battle?

Texas Pike fishing can be an absolutely exhilarating experience. Northern Pike are ferocious underwater predators and a heap of fun to catch. Pike are also a good eating fish, something that many folks over look.

When you have a northern pike on the end of your line, you know it. These “water wolf’s” put up a heck of a battle and will often take your line out more than once. Once you get them to the boat the battle can be far from over. They flip and twist and many times will roll up in your fishing line. This adds to the challenge of landing this superb game-fish.

But don’t confuse the Pike with its cousin the Muskellunge. Although there are similarities between these fish, there are also subtle differences.

The Northern Pike’s diet is primarily made up of fish. However they have been known to eat small rodents, ducks and even other pike. There have been many photos taken of small pike eating one of its own of similar size.

northern pike, pike fishing, canada pike fishing, fishing pike, jackfish, fishing for jack Many people have stories about bringing up a fish to the boat and having a large pike strike it while they tried to land it. In fact, some folks claim to have caught “two fish at once” this way. While this is not overly common, the aggressive nature of this fish make Canadian pike fishing loads of fun!

Northern pike can be caught year round. Strategies vary from season to season and we have a number of proven methods listed in this section. No matter the time of year, if your presentation is right, you will surely have a battle on your hands.

Texas northern pike can grow relatively large in size, reaching lengths of almost 60 inches (150 cm). Northern pike can weigh over fifty pounds. That is one big fish! If you are after your trophy pike consider dead bait fishing in early spring.

Pike like weedy and sheltered habitats. You will find them around fallen trees, beaver dams and anywhere they can find cover. The pike likes to ambush its prey and uses underwater structures for camouflage. The pike will hammer its prey by blindsiding it from behind or the side.

You can imagine the thrill of a violent stroke on the end of your rod. These fish are capable of remarkable acceleration, so hang on.

Appreciate the pike! It’s a great fighter and always seems to be up for a battle. Explore this site for the best Texas pike fishing strategies. Don’t forget to check out the other freshwater fish strategies while you’re here! Make sure your next trip is a success.

Thanks for reading.